As mentioned in the Synopsis section, Adachi's offense is based around your strike throw game, and as such requires conditioning and reads. Adachi lacks effective ways to capitalize off of mixups without using resources like meter or burst and instead relies on knowing and abusing the opponents habits, using his various normals, specials and frame traps to make the opponent slip up and leave themselves in a position for Adachi to respond with a strong punish.
Adachi has various ways to keep his pressure going while also keeping it fresh with how many options he has at his disposal, but it is unwise to become flowcharty with his pressure as Adachi can be easily punishable if he makes one mistake with something that requires you to commit something very risky to do, always change up what you are going to do to keep your pressure game strong
First we'll go over which moves you should be using to pressure your opponent with:
Although 5A is slower in comparison to other 5As, it is still a solid pressure tool that can catch people trying to get out of your pressure, and is generally the button you want to start your pressure with. It is also jump cancellable, and as such after landing 5A you are able to go for a crossup if the situation allows it. However, it is very negative on block, so it is recommended to cancel 5A into something else when it lands to make yourself safe
One of Adachi's best tools for pressure. 2A can be used in many ways like staggering, tick throws, to keep yourself safe after 5A, to link into 5A, or to just reset pressure. All of these combined can make Adachi's pressure terrifying when used correctly, so be sure to use this button wisely and make the most of it
Another good blockstring tool, it is best to use this to continue pressure and not start it because it is extremely risky to do so with the follow up hits that come out automatically. Although you lose some options when using 5B, it is still useful thanks to its range and utility in more unique and advanced strings like making your pressure DP safe. On hit you get a good reward with or without meter for both 5B and 5B (2 or 3), making it a good starter
Adachi's call out tool for when your opponent is starting to mash or jump out of your pressure, it is most commonly used after 5AA since it moves you forward so you can be in 2Bs range. On CH, it is one of if not your best starter for meterless combos. You are heavily negative on block, but it is jump cancellable so be sure to jump to make yourself safe. After jump cancelling 2B you can block if you suspect a DP to come your way. Alternatively you can reset pressure with a delayed j.C if you didn't jump cancel 2B, so be sure to use 2B in a variety of ways
A strong frame trap and punish tool, and on CH it can allow you to start dealing massive damage if you have the meter. Unfortunately, after 5C is used your options are limited except for the usage of special moves. 214AB is most commonly used after 5C since you can reset pressure and keep yourself safe with how plus you are after 214AB.
One of your more unique pressure tools. 2D can easily stop rolls and can reset pressure with how plus you are after the move (+20), but with its long startup you can easily be mashed on depending where you are spaced at. After 2D connects, you can make yourself safe when pressuring the opponent, but this requires advanced usage of your specials and persona moves and how to do so correctly
Gunshot is a special cancellable ranged low hitting move that is very crucial for Adachi's pressure. It can be used in a variety of ways to make your opponent open themselves up or you opening them up. Since it special cancellable, after gunshot connects you can do another gunshot (which still allows you to cancel into other specials), stance, evil smile or even DP. You can also reset your pressure with SB Gunshot since you are heavily plus afterwards, without meter this is normally where your pressure ends if you are too far away to go for a mixup. Be cautious doing any version that isn't SB, because if gunshot is IB'd you are -5 on block, so mix up your timing or avoid using gunshot if you think it's gonna be IB'd
Although it might not seem like it at first, you can use Walk in a number of ways. You can use walk to attempt to go for a throw so you can keep the opponent guessing, you can also use it to allow you to use persona normals after Gunshot, or you can use SB walk to go through DPs but this requires meter and you still lose to DPs that throw you like Liz and Marg's
Command grab that is also crucial for Adachi's pressure, after you make the opponent respect you enough you can surprise them with this. An important special to make the opponent do something more risky to avoid getting hit and to wear them down more. D and SB Megidola have throw invuln frames during the startup. On whiff you are very vulnerable, so be careful when you are attempting to grab the opponent because if you miss you'll most likely get hit
Homing projectile that hits crouching opponents while inflicting the fear ailment to the opponent, making the next hit Fatal Counter. 236CD can be used to get a reaction out of your opponent, or to reset your pressure. Mental stacking tool for the opponent, if the opponent makes one mistake they can easily die depending on the situation. Depending on the move you have done before cancelling into 236CD, you can be vulnerable during the startup animation after moves like Gunshot.
Unironically, your fastest overhead option for pressure. DP can be used to surprise your opponent and with meter you can combo into Heat Riser afterwards. If both hits of your DP miss you will get hit, so be sure to not use this move often. On block if you have meter you can cancel it into Heat Riser or Mandala to keep yourself safe. It's best to use DP to open someone up and catch them by surprise when they are nearly dead and when you have the resources to kill.
Universal Mechanics
While this throw is very much lacking in the damage department, it makes up by giving you a good amount of meter and being more safe if it misses. Using Throw over Megidola is really good early into a round or when you're dry on meter as Adachi requires meter to get better conversions after a good hit. You can also convert into either Heat Riser of Mandala if the throw connects too if you ever want to do a combo of get a safejump off it, but throw scales damage really badly so if you do want to cancel into a super it's best to do it when it's gonna kill.
Sweep is a pretty good pressure tool, it can be used on opponents that have started to respect your pressure and don't want to get caught by something so you can continue your pressure for free. It also catches people mashing so you can convert it into a combo or a safejump to continue your onslaught, it will lose to DPs however. While it is good, there will be a gap where the opponent can either mash DP or a reversal super on you. On top of that, it can also be very addicting to use for people new to Adachi, so make sure to chill out on using sweep if you're becoming too predictable with it. In the corner you can do some weird grabs using this move by doing 2A+B > 236B > 214D to throw the opponent at a range where it shouldn't even hit.
Unironically, your fastest overhead option for pressure. DP can be used to surprise your opponent and with meter you can combo into Heat Riser afterwards. If both hits of your DP miss you will get hit, so be sure to not use this move often. On block if you have meter you can cancel it into Heat Riser or Mandala to keep yourself safe. You can also be cheeky and use Ghastly Wail (C preferably) before the second hit of DP to grab the opponent instantly. It's best to use DP to open someone up and catch them by surprise when they are nearly dead and when you have the resources to kill.
While AoA is slower than your DP, it is much better as a mixup option as you can OMC if it does get blocked while giving you much more reward on hit. When it connects you can get some nice damage off of it while carrying the opponent to the corner off of hitting it midscreen, but the damage potential and meter gain becomes even better if you land it in the corner. The startup is also similar to your sweep, and because of this it can mess up your opponent if they have become conditioned to seeing your sweep often.
The pressure starter
Crouching mid, but can be used for staggers and tick throw
Best used to continue pressure after 5A or 2A
Or else you'll get this if they rolled your 5B when trying to start pressure
Frame trap tool that can also be used to reset pressure and to bait DPs
Frame trap and spacing tool
Limits options, you can only really do specials afterwards
Anti-roll and reset pressure tool that can be used for long ranged and safe pressure
Risky, but rewarding option to spice up your pressure a bit
One of your most important pressure tool
To close the gap during pressure
Another important pressure tool for Adachi
Pressure reset tool that inflicts Fear
Used on opponents that respect you enough for you to get away with this
Your fastest overhead for mix, but very risky
You better pray this hits
The safer alternative to your command grab
Advancing low to close in the gap while also being a frame trap, just don't become addicted to it..
Your fastest overhead for mix, but very risky
You better pray this actually hits
The other overhead, can lead into some nice combos with decent meter gain