Pressure String Examples
Knock knock, it's time to block
Example Blockstrings
5A > 5AA > 5B > 5C
Your staple and basic blockstring, you're probably gonna be using this most of the time. You can add in a 214A/B to surprise someone with a low afterwards, and if you want to you can add in another low or DP if they are close enough.
5A > 5AA > 5B (3) > 5C
DP safe alternative of the string above, pushes the opponent far enough to make DPs whiff, allowing you to punish them. This has some downsides though, if they do DP you can lose a Persona card which is bad for Adachi, and if they don't you'll be too far away to do anything after 5C besides 214B, meaning you can't enforce a mixup.
2A > 2A > 2A
Basic stagger blockstring that starts pressure, you also have the capability to tick throw after any of the 2As, so mix in a throw every once in a while to keep the opponent on their toes
5A > 2A > 5A > ...
Another basic string, you can jump cancel from the 5As and attempt to go for a cross up with IAD airturn j.B/j.C or you can apply more 2A's to do some staggers. But either way you can continue the string with the usual staple string from above.
5A > 5AA > 2B > dl j.C
A standard string that be used to reset pressure, but it can be DP'd on. 2B can be delayed to catch people mashing or jumping, after 2B hits the opponent blocking you can jump cancel it and block if you sense a DP coming.
5A > 5AA > 5AAA > 2A+B > 214A > 214A
Quadruple low string, but the big drawback to this is that it's fake. 5AAA is not a true in any blockstring and can be mashed out of, and same can go with the double 214As, but this is still a decent string to use from time to time on a respectful opponent.
Note that these aren't all of Adachi blockstrings but these are just for an example of what you're gonna be generally doing for his pressure. Generally Adachi's pressure is free flow and the way you use your specials like Gunshot and Walk should always be different. They are very strong tools and you can be creative with them. Don't always put gunshot at the end of a string and occasionally use it somewhere else in it and then catch people by surprise by doing a mixup in a place during your pressure where they least expect.
Pressure Extensions
Your go to tool to extend and reset pressure. After 214AB connects you are very plus on block, meaning you are still capable to create a new blockstring. You are also mostly safe from disrespect if you are spaced correctly, but for some DPs they can still hit you. 214AB also cost meter which is a precious resource for Adachi to confirm into high damaging confirms, so don't use this carelessly.
Though there is a gap where you can still be hit, 236CD can still be a reliable special to restart pressure while also mental stacking the opponent to make a risky play so they can get rid of the Fear ailment. This should be used on respectful opponents who are just fine with just blocking.
Your go to tool if you want to reset pressure but you don't want to spend any meter doing so. Although 2D has lots of startup which makes you vulnerable, so if the opponent knows what's going on you can be easily be caught and lose your turn. On block you are guaranteed to follow up with any of Adachi's standing normals, but you cannot use your persona for a brief period of time.
Notable Information
Sweep in any blockstring is fake and can be easily be mashed on, you should only use sweep once you have conditioned your opponent to respect you and have them take anything that comes next
DP during a blockstring is most of the time fake, people can just roll through it and you'll be wide open for a punish. But if you're willing to use meter, then 214AB > DP is a true blockstring. Be sure to keep this in mind the next time you want to force a overhead in your blockstring.
When you're trying to use 2D to reset pressure, there is a brief period during where Magatsu Izanagi is vulnerable. When he first appears above the opponent, they can easily hit the persona with a fast jab to break a card and stop the attack.
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